Historic Preservation: Relocating Buildings with Structural Movers


Relocating a building might not be your first option for preservation, but it's an option that more and more people use to preserve their historic structures. Structural movers can help you move a building from one location to another without damaging the structure or its components.

Expert teams apply scientific principles and innovative technology, turning the daunting task of moving massive structures into a well-orchestrated process. This blog will delve into the intriguing practice of building relocation, offering an in-depth look at how structural movers help preserve our historic built environment. Get ready for an exciting journey!

The Art of Building Relocation

Structure relocation is the intricate process of transferring a building or any other structure from its current position to a new location. This operation typically consists of two essential steps: disassembling the structure at its original site and then skillfully reassembling it at the desired destination. Alternatively, the entire structure can be transported intact to its new location.

Selecting Structures for Relocation

Not all structures are destined for relocation, and the decision to move a building involves careful consideration.

  1. Historical Significance: Buildings tied to important events, people, or movements.
  2. Architectural Value: Unique design styles, features, or construction methods.
  3. Cultural Relevance: Structures representing traditions and community identity.
  4. Threat of Demolition: Alternatives to demolition for preservation.
  5. Site Redevelopment: Making way for new developments while conserving history.
  6. Structural Soundness: Assessing stability for safe relocation.
  7. Regulatory Approvals: Meeting legal requirements and permits.
  8. Public Support and Funding: Community backing and financial feasibility.
  9. Future Use: Ensuring practical purpose and adaptability.
  10. Educational Value: Buildings offering learning opportunities.
  11. Preservation Expertise: Involvement of preservation professionals for proper handling.

Working with Structural Movers


Selecting a structural mover is an important step in relocating structures, as it determines the entire operation's success. Structural movers specialize in lifting and moving heavy loads while ensuring minimal disruption to buildings and other structures.

They employ many techniques and strategies for safely and efficiently relocating bulky objects, such as using trucks or railroad flatcars. Structural movers can also lift and carry entire structures, even if they are large and weighed down by years of accumulated elements.

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Preservation

Structural movers understand the importance of preserving historic buildings and take special measures to ensure these structures are moved safely. Before beginning the relocation process, the mover's team thoroughly inspects the structure to identify any potential risks or hazards. 

They also take extra precautions, such as using insulated blankets and airbags to protect fragile materials and components. Additionally, structural movers strive to minimize disruption to the surrounding neighborhood during the relocation process, using heavy equipment that emits low noise and vibration levels.

Benefits and Controversies

The concept of building relocation has both benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, it allows structures to be moved to another location without compromising their integrity or design. This means that historic buildings can be preserved for future generations while also allowing them to serve a useful purpose in the present day.

On the other hand, some believe that relocating historic structures can be detrimental, as it removes them from their original context and erases any local history associated with the building. 

Preserving History Through Building Relocation

Building relocation is an effective way to preserve and protect our historic structures while still allowing them to serve a purpose in the present day. With the help of structural movers and their expert techniques, we can ensure that these buildings are moved safely and efficiently without compromising their integrity or authenticity. This preservation method is becoming increasingly popular as more people recognize its potential for preserving historic structures.

At Jonassen Structural Movers, we understand the importance of preserving our built environment and take pride in helping preserve our collective history. We are committed to ensuring that each relocation project is handled with the utmost care and precision, allowing us to provide top-tier customer service while offering reliable structural moving services for all types of buildings. Get in touch with our team today!

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